- ### __Bias : __ - Availability Heuristic - ### __Definition : __ - Definition 1: The tendency to overestimate the likelihood of events with greater 'availability' in memory, which can be influenced by how recent the memories are or how unusual or emotionally charged they may be. - Definition 2: The availability heuristic is a mental shortcut that relies on immediate examples that come to a given person's mind when evaluating a specific topic, concept, method or decision. - ### __OODA Class : __ - Orient Phase - ### __OODA Subclass : __ - Previous knowledge/experience - ### __Classification Reasoning : __ - In naturalistic decision making, architects rely on mental shortcuts which when evaluating the information gathered from the observe phase. The mental shortcuts result from their years of experience. - ### __Example : __ - NodeJS frameworks – Hapi vs Express: Hapi and Express are both Node.js web application frameworks providing a robust set of features for building applications and services. Both are quite similar with minute differences. - ### __Impact : __ - According to some, Hapi is more effective as compared to Express when dealing with large teams to enforce conventions to keep the code maintainable. If the person in charge of decision-making in a large team has more experience working with Express, then information about Express is more available in memory. This would lead to selection of Express over Hapi even if it is better suited for the given scenario. - ### __Debiasing Techniques : __ - Counting on previous experiences and mental shortcuts to design solutions is part of naturalistic decision making. ==**As with any bias related to experience, it is important to make sure that the interpretation from a previous scenario is applicable to the current scenario and to justify it so as to move to bounded rationality.**== - ### __Related Biases :__